Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

Continuous Everything – Is the juice worth the squeeze

Nowadays everything has to get faster. Common buzz-words include “Continuous Everything”, “Shift Left” and similar.

These trends are also followed in environments like the healthcare domain. But is it beneficial? Especially in big organizations with several hundred developers?

Here some changes and approaches will be shown what the Syngo business line of Siemens Healthineers changed in the past few years and how it influenced the release cycles and quality of the delivered software.

Marco Achtziger

Is Test Architect in Forchheim at Siemens Healthineers. In this role he supports agile teams in the implementation and execution of tests in the preventative test stage. He also takes care that the overall architecture stays in a testable shape and supports the continuous integration chain.
Among other things his qualifications include the iSQI Certified professional for software Architecture, iSTQB Certified tester and iSQI Certified professional for Project management and Siemens internal certified Software Architect.